Open CV projects-Open CV Python projects for Mtech,Btech, BE, MS and diploma students in Trichy

Best and Latest Exciting open CV projects ideas with Source Code in Python, For Beginners and experienced/Research projects for research academics-2023

Data science may be summed up as a combination of mathematics, business acumen, tools, algorithms, and machine learning techniques, all of which aid in the discovery of hidden patterns or insights in large amounts of raw data that can greatly aid in the formulation of important business choices. Python, R programming, statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning, neural networks, tensorflow, and SQL are all tools available at Galwin Tech .for the development of data science projects. You can receive thorough hands-on training in the data science field for the project you have selected. Get the most recent IEEE papers from 2021 and fresh project ideas in the data science field.

Students in their last year of BE/B Tech/M. Tech (CSE,ECE,ISE,EEE) who have a passion for developing a career in computer vision and a background in solid programming abilities are encouraged to work on these projects in order to develop the practical skills needed for the industry. As they create products to address social challenges, businesses like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Intel already use OpenCV to create computer vision applications.

IEEE Open CV Projects for BE/B tech,M tech -Computer science,ECE,EEE and Research Students

  • Covid-19 facemask detection with deep learning and computer vision
  • Raspberrypi Based Assistive Communication System for Deaf, Dumb and Blind Person using open cv
  • Smart Voting System through Facial Recognition using open cv
  • An improved fatigue detection system based on behavioral characteristics of driver using open cv
  • Image processing based Tracking and Counting Vehicles using open cv
  • Human Activity Recognition using OpenCv & Python
  • Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Based on Convolutional Neural Network
  • Speed Detection using open cv
  • Voice based e-mail System for Blinds
  • Emotion Based Music Recommendation System
  • OPEN CV - Computer Vision for Attendance and Emotion Analysis in School Settings

Top Open CV project domains you can focus to build your skills in OPEN CV

  • Face and Voice Recognition for the visually Impaired
  • Image processing projects using open CV python
  • A smart attendance system is tool for online models of education such as Zoom App. Google monitor the students attendance in real time.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) by learning to locate faces, detect shapes, etc.,
  • Objects detection and face recognition.
  • Open CV projects / machine learning credit card reader
  • Handwritten digit detector, or face reader.
  • COVID-19 Projects :The Real-Time Face Mask Detection was developed using Python Detection Open-CV.
  • Traffic Signs Recognition Using CNN & Keras In Python With Source Code
  • A Emotion Detection Open-CV Python/ML- Detecting the real-time emotion of the person with a camera input.