PCB is abbreviated as "Printed Circuit Board" and has become one of the essentials for every students. As it goes , PCB has become a core for guys who are electronics savvy. It deals with circuit designing involving students creativity where he can design his own custom made project and indulging in some of the basic process such as Etching , ironing with which you exactly print a circuit on to a board minimizing the wires .
Now a days real time products and electronic appliances are based on PCB boards. Once completed this course ,you will have a good grasp of electronic circuits and various Electronic components. Proper component placement , schematic entry and footprint creation, Routing to track width selection, Auto routing and creating Gerber file are some of the skills which you will acquire during the course.
Basics of computer knowledge.
Resistors Types, Functions, Characteristics
Capacitors Types Functions, Characteristics
Diodes Types, Functions, Characteristics
Seven Segment
Timer 555 Astable and monostable circuits
Transistor as a switch
Op Amplifier in Comparator mode
Basic concepts of PCB Designing
Introduction to and Installation of EAGEL SOFTWARE
Designing of PCB Schematic with leaded components
Documentation using ERC.
Direct Board file creation for “ DC POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT”.
Direct schematic file creation using a RELAY DRIVER CIRCUIT BOARD
Designing of PCBlayout technique with leaded components .
Documentation using DRC
Auto Routing Techniques
Gerber file creation for your Board file
New Component creation Technique.
Making of a PCB of DC Power supply circuit.
Drilling, Soldering of components and Testing of DC power supply circuit.
Fabrication of PCB designing, testing and trouble shooting of MINI PROJECT Circuit
Designing of Multilayer PCB Schematic file creation
Designing of PCB layout technique with leaded components .
Heartbeat sensor project
Temperature controlled DC fan
Automatic street light system
Water level controller
Motor speed control using 555 timer
Burglar alarm system
PIR sensor based home security system
Timer based led blinking
Regulated DC power supply circuit
IR based automatic room light controller.
PCB is abbreviated as "Printed Circuit Board" and has become one of the essentials for every students. As it goes , PCB has become a core for guys who are electronics savvy. It deals with circuit designing involving students creativity where he can design his own custom made project and indulging in some of the basic process such as Etching , ironing with which you exactly print a circuit on to a board minimizing the wires .
Now a days real time products and electronic appliances are based on PCB boards. Once completed this course ,you will have a good grasp of electronic circuits and various Electronic components. Proper component placement , schematic entry and footprint creation, Routing to track width selection, Auto routing and creating Gerber file are some of the skills which you will acquire during the course.
Basics of computer knowledge.
Resistors Types, Functions, Characteristics
Capacitors Types Functions, Characteristics
Diodes Types, Functions, Characteristics
Seven Segment
Timer 555 Astable and monostable circuits
Transistor as a switch
Op Amplifier in Comparator mode
Basic concepts of PCB Designing
Introduction to and Installation of EAGEL SOFTWARE
Designing of PCB Schematic with leaded components
Documentation using ERC.
Direct Board file creation for “ DC POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT”.
Direct schematic file creation using a RELAY DRIVER CIRCUIT BOARD
Designing of PCBlayout technique with leaded components .
Documentation using DRC
Auto Routing Techniques
Gerber file creation for your Board file
New Component creation Technique.
Double layer creation
Multi layer creation and script
Making of a PCB of DC Power supply circuit.
Drilling, Soldering of components and Testing of DC power supply circuit.
Fabrication of PCB designing, testing and trouble shooting of MINI PROJECT Circuit
Heartbeat sensor project
Temperature controlled DC fan
Automatic street light system
Water level controller
Motor speed control using 555 timer
Burglar alarm system
PIR sensor based home security system
Timer based led blinking
Regulated DC power supply circuit
IR based automatic room light controller.
The others comfortable these days are all happy and free listen to a story now the world do not move to the beat of just one drum with end.
The others comfortable these days are all happy and free listen to a story